[tlhIngan Hol] expressing goddess

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Mon Apr 12 05:32:35 PDT 2021

qen jIHvaD qay'choHpu' vay': Holqoqvam vIlo'taHvIS,  chay' "goddess"
vIDellaH? {Qun} tu'lu', 'ej "god, supernatural being" 'oS mu'vam; 'a
"goddess" 'oSlaH'a' je?

wa'DIch {DIraq} {DIraq loD} {DIraq be'} je vIqelpu':

DIraq = sheep
DIraq loD = sheep male = male of a sheep = ram
DIraq be' = sheep female = female of a sheep = ewe

< maj > jIQubpu'.. vaj DaH jIjatlhnIS:

{Qun loD} = god male = male of a god = god (male)
{Qun be'} = god female = female of a god = female god = goddess

'a ngugh {voDleH} vIQubpu'; "empress" wIjatlhnISchugh, {voDleH be'}
wIlo'laHbe'. "empress" ghaj 'Inglan Hol; "female emperor" ghajbe'.. 'a
jaSHa' "goddess" ghaj 'Inglan Hol, 'ej "female god" ghajbe'.

vaj chay' {Qun be'} vIlo'laH, SuvwI'qoq Hol vIlo'taHvIS? 'ej qatlh
Holqoqvammo' poHwIj vIlo'Ha'nIS? jIghel'eghpu'.

'a ghIq jIQubpu'..

chaq "god" 'oHbe' {Qun} potlhchu'bogh jIyweS'e'; chaq "supernatural
being" 'oH jIyweSvam'e', 'ej chaq mu'ghomDaj naw'taHvIS po'wI'qoq,
"god" QubtaHmo', "god" jIyweS tu'lu' je.

vaj "supernatural being" jIyweS neH qellaHchugh nuv, vaj jatlhlaHbej:

{Qun loD} = supernatural being male = male of a supernatural being =
male supernatural being
{Qun be'} = supernatural being female = female of a supernatural being
= female supernatural being = goddess

vaj Hochvammo' "goddess" vIDelmeH, {Qun be'} vIlo'choH.

~ Dana'an

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