[tlhIngan Hol] excuse me, but how the jay' does -'eghmoH actually work ?

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 09:04:27 PDT 2020

> I think it's obvious that you have been
> influenced in this by another language.
> You say it's Greek; I'll tell you that English
> does exactly the same thing: Now let's
> examine the sentence.

teH !

'ej vay' potlh tob wanI'vam; pIj, Holchaj wa'DIchmo', 'op quvyaH qab SIQ
tlhIngan ghojwI'pu'.

meqvammo', quvyaHmeyvam tlhojmeH 'ej Qaw'meH ghojwI'pu', roD tlhIngan Hol

ngoQvam vIchavmeH je, naDev tlhIngan Hol neH vIlo'choHpu'.

jIHvaD QaghwIj Da'angpu'mo', jIbel 'ej qatlho', SuStel, 'ej reH jIHvaD
QaghwIj tI'ang vIneHchu'.

~ Qa'yIn
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