[tlhIngan Hol] excuse me, but how the jay' does -'eghmoH actually work ?

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 06:03:01 PDT 2020

> Is this not just a retread of the question
> of whether a reflexive verb can have an
> object?

jISovbe'.. tameywIj ngo' vInuDpu', 'ej {-'eghmoH} lubopbogh 'op QIn

'a 'ovmay {-'eghmoH} je bopbogh pagh QIn vISamlaHpu'.

vaj mu'tlhegh veb vIlaDtaHvIS:

quv luHutlh'eghmoHpu' romuluSngan
the romulans caused themselves to lack honor

'ej mu'tlheghvammo' jISIvtaHvIS < lugh'a' ? muj'a' ? >


~ Qa'yIn
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