[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: boqrat

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Sep 23 08:23:36 PDT 2020

Klingon Word of the Day for Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Klingon word: boqrat
Part of speech: noun
Definition: *bokrat*, type of animal

ghun 'Iw HIq, rap boqrat chej 
the bokrat liver is as warm as the bloodwine (HQ 13.1:8)

boqrat chej Qevlu'pu'bogh 
stewed bokrat liver (KGT)

Stewed boqrat liver was served on board the IKS Rotarran. It wasn't fresh, but Jadzia thought it might be palatable with a little bloodwine. (DS9 "Soldiers of the Empire")

"… bokrat liver is typically served hot in a stew" (HQ 13.1:8)

(KGT 93):  Some dishes are prepared by heating meat in a liquid consisting of the animal's blood along with some choice condiments. To prepare food in this way is to {Qev} it. Livers of bokrats are typically prepared in this manner. Though the dish is heated, in order to properly make {boqrat chej Qevlu'pu'bogh} (stewed bokrat liver; literally, "bokrat liver that has been stewed"), the livers should be from an animal that was killed only minutes before. The difference in flavor between fresh and nearly stale livers is most noticeable.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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