[tlhIngan Hol] Beginner questions - SAO, SAS and pronouns
sustel at trimboli.name
Mon Sep 28 12:59:19 PDT 2020
On 9/28/2020 3:38 PM, Will Martin wrote:
> But in Klingon, {‘ach HoD, Hevetlh wIghoSchugh, veH tIn wI’el maH’e’}
> we have the first person plural subject indicated by the prefix {wI-},
> with emphasis added by the explicit, uncommonly redundant pronoun
> {maH}, and just to make sure that the pronoun was noticed, it was
> marked with {-‘e’}
Well, no. The *maH* is there strictly so that we can hang the *-'e'* on it.
See, when we say that *-'e'* provides emphasis, what we really mean is
that it provides a semantic meaning that doesn't exist without it:
focus. *-'e'* on a subject or object means exclusivity. The *-'e'* is
not just some vague sense of emphasis; it has a semantic meaning, just
like *-Daq* has the semantic meaning of locative. *Duj* means /ship.
/*DujDaq* means /in/on/at the ship./ *Duj'e'* means /the ship and not
something else./
The *maH* is only there so that we can use *-'e'* on it to say /us and
not someone else;/ it would be impossible to say that without using the
> It makes sense to verbally emphasize the {-‘e’}, since it is basically
> the equivalent of spitting after saying the word {taHqeq}. It’s making
> sure that the listener knows that word was not just casually included
> as a side note. That word is doing jumping jacks, waving signal flags,
> firing off flares and screaming to be noticed as important.
No, it's just the fact that in a noun, syllables that end in *qaghwI'*
are stressed. The way Vixis says *maH'e',* with stress on the *-'e',* is
just the natural way to say the word. She doesn't scream it. You also
stress a word this way when the *-'e'* is playing the role of topic,
without emphasis: *'entepray' 'oH DoS'e'*/As for the target, it is
> "Yo! The people heading into the Great Barrier right now? Those people
> are WE! WE are heading into the Great Barrier! You! Me! All the rest
> of the people on this ship. WE are heading into the Great Barrier. I’m
> not talking about anybody else, here. I’m talking about US! Got that?"
> All that in one syllable. Yes, Klingon can be remarkably concise.
*bo'Dagh'a' Dalo'.* All the *-'e'* does is add "(not someone/something
else)" to the meaning of the noun. This is a simple morpheme indicating
grammatical focus. It just so happens that English does not have a
morpheme that does the same thing. But you can approximate it by
stressing the word instead. /But WE will enter the Barrier!/ In a sense,
that's even more concise than the Klingon, as you haven't added any
morphemes at all.
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