[tlhIngan Hol] O X I !!!

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 07:38:54 PDT 2020

va! jIlIjpu'..

QIn wa'DIch vIqontaHvIS, jInongchoHpu'mo' ('ej jIghungqu'taHmo'..),

QIn tlheghvam vInaQmoHmeH, 'ej jajvam vIlopchu'meH, cha' vIjatlhnIS je. vaj

molon lave !
come and get them !
yIghoS 'ej tISuq !

na-Dev spar-ta 'oH !!!
this - is - spar-ta !!!

hahaha ! maj. DaH jIleSlaH.

~ Q
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