[tlhIngan Hol] expressing age without the {x ben boghpu'}

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 09:14:19 PDT 2020

> {wa'maH ben loDnI'wI'} has appeared in canon for "my 10-year-old brother"

Ca'Non De'vam vIlIjba'pu' ! jIHvaD De'vam DaqawmoHpu'mo', qatlho', 'ej
DaH - QIn tlheghvam vInaQmoHmeH - naDev Ca'Non De'vam Hoch vIrev.

qepHom (qepHom mI' vISovbe'..) tenwal 15 ('a tenwal mI' vISov ! hahaha !):

LL: We know that loSmaH ben jIboghpu’ is how a Klingon would say "I am
40 (years old)". But how would you say "when I was X, I did such and

MO: Maltz says:
qaStaHvIS DISwIj javDIch...
When I was six years old...

MO: This is a confusing one, because it depends on how you count age.
So I'm thinking for klingons, from the time you're born, until you're
one year old, that's your zeroth year. So in terms of numbers, it
matches the way we do it in english.

wa’maH ben loDnI’wI’
My 10­-year­-old brother

LL: In The Klingon Dictionary, ben was translated only as "years ago".
Later, on the tape Power Klingon, it was used in the phrase cha’vatlh
ben HIq "two century old ale", which confused lots of klingonists.

MO: That's right, but this follows the same pattern, so it's clear you
can use it for both meanings.

jIH qan law’ SoH qan puS
I'm older than you

jIH Qup law’ SoH Qup puS
I'm younger than you

cha’ DISmo’ jIH qan law’ SoH qan puS
I'm two years older than you

You can also replace some of the components and say the following:

cha’ ’ujmo’ jIH woch law’ SoH woch puS
I'm two 'ujes taller than you.

~ 231020190938

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