[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: 'enteD

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Oct 8 08:59:49 PDT 2020

Klingon Word of the Day for Thursday, October 08, 2020

Klingon word: 'enteD
Part of speech: noun
Definition: drug
Source: qep'a' 27  [2020]

(qep’a’ 2020 notes):  Most {‘enteDmey} are used ritualistically, but recreational use is not unheard of (as with alcohol).


B'Ellana burned some incense in her quarters, a "combination of mental relaxant and expeller of demons. It's an ancient Klingon remedy. Janeway replies, "Interesting fragrance. I'm surprised it hasn't set off the environmental alarms." (VOY "Nothing Human")

{Dargh wIb} (sour tea) may be a Klingon heartburn, indigestion or hangover remedy. (CK)

Klingon agent Kras told Maab, "What did they [the Federation] give you? Liquids and powders for the sick! We Klingons believe as you do. The sick should die, only the strong should live." (TOS "Friday's Child")

Hergh  			medicine (n) 
Hergh ngevwI' 	 	chemist (i.e. apothecary,  pharmacist) (n)
Hergh qengbogh yo'  	relief convoy (n)
Hergh QaywI'  		pneumatic hypo (medical device) (n)
nuch Hergh 		aspirin (n)

vor 			cure (v)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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