[tlhIngan Hol] expressing age without the {x ben boghpu'}

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 05:33:16 PDT 2020

wa'Hu', yabwIjDaq narghpu' wa' qech, 'ej mutlhu'moHtaH qechvam. pelaD.

cha'vatlh ben HIq

two century old ale

DaH, jIjatlhchugh {loSmaH ben nuv}, vaj ghaytan jIHvaD jatlh vay':

loSmaH ben nuv = person of forty years ago

maj. QIjlaw'ghach vIlaj..

vaj DaH jIqon:

loSmaH DIS nuv = person of forty years = forty years person = forty years (old) person.

'ej DaH Quch Hoch, qar'a' ?

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