[tlhIngan Hol] ck tnk je {mej} lo' vs qepHom 2019 {mej} De'

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Oct 22 07:08:37 PDT 2020

maj, SuStel; 'a vay'mo' jImIS. yIlaD:

bIQ'a' HeH wIjaH
we go to the shore

bIQ'a' HeHDaq majaH
we go along the shore


bIQ'a' HeH wImej
we leave the shore

'ej bIQ'a' HeHDaq maHtaHvIS, majatlhchugh < DaH mamej >, vaj bIQ'a' HeHDaq
qaS "the leaving"; 'ach origin 'oHbe' bIQ'a' HeH'e'..

~ Qa'yIn
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