[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: bIS'ub

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Oct 21 09:05:24 PDT 2020

On 10/21/2020 11:24 AM, Will Martin wrote:
> I’m making no claims about lip movement similarities between the 
> English meaning and {pIrmuS} and {bIS'ub}. I’m saying the lip 
> movements of the two Klingon words are similar to each other, while 
> the sound is remarkably different. Same vowels in the same position in 
> each of two syllables, {p} and {b} are visually indistinguishable and 
> the other differences are not visually obvious.
> Two words with tightly related meaning that have very similar lip 
> movements, but very different sounds.

The lip-movements of *pIr* and *bIS* are similar, but the movements of 
*muS* and *'ub* are very different.


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