[tlhIngan Hol] SIqotlan Hol mu'ghom

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Oct 7 07:59:02 PDT 2020

Not Klingon-related, but this will register with some of us:

   The Scots Wikipedia is the world's largest open-access compendium of
   the Scots language, which has been enjoying something of a comeback
   recently, according to The Guardian, but controversy has arisen since it
   was revealed that a teenager from North Carolina, who does not speak
   Scots, is responsible for creating or editing nearly half the entries.

   Responding to the criticism, the unidentified 19-year-old expressed
   remorse "after years of my thinking I was doing good. I was only a
   12-year-old kid when I started."   [The Guardian, 8/26/2020]
(SOURCE: http://jewishworldreview.com/1020/news_of_the_weird22484.php3 )

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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