[tlhIngan Hol] 'uD'a' laser

Will Martin willmartin2 at mac.com
Fri Oct 30 06:18:03 PDT 2020

For unknown reasons, my issues of HolQeD were in sequence for all but the first Volume, which were scattered among other books of similar size. Still can’t find Volume 1, Number 1, but I found Number 3.

Not much to go on there, since I don’t have yes QonoS, but here’s what I could scan on my iPhone with its limited OCR capabilities:


Additional Vocabulary 

KLl Archives

One of the purposes of the RM is to establish and maintain a collection of works relating to Klingon language and culture. The following is an excerpt from an issue of veS QonoS, a newsletter published by Mortas-Te-Kaase, dated 1990. It was supplied by Tom Scheuer who, along with Marc Okrand, graciously provided permission for its reprinting in HolQeD. While a few of the items below were more formally published in last year's reissue of TKD, most of them will be new to you, and are a welcome addition.

The following word list was granted permission for publication in veS QonoS by the HolloD on 490/3.18 (Copyright 1990 Marc Okrand). Reprinting of this list in any other work is prohibited without the express permission of Marc Okrand.

[So, I’m not publishing the list, just the item in question and the paragraphs above offered for context.]

tlhlngan                  tera'nan

laser                      ‘uD’a’
Laser scalpel         ‘uD Haqtaj


Again, there’s no explanation for the difference between {‘uD’a’} and {‘uD}, but then, we call both a laser pointer and an industrial metal-cutting laser a “laser” and maybe Klingons would call one an {‘uDHom} and the other an {‘uD’a’}. If the Reagan era fantasies of a satellite that could zap armies from space had actually been built, we’d still just call it a laser.

So, it makes sense that Klingons might have different names for different things that we’d have just one name for.

charghwI’ vaghnerya’ngan

rInpa’ bomnIS be’’a’ pI’.

> On Oct 30, 2020, at 3:08 AM, Lieven L. Litaer <levinius at gmx.de> wrote:
> I noticed that KGT lists {'uD} for "laser" and HolQeD seems to have it
> listed as {'uD'a'} originating in veS QonoS.
> Is there any additional information on this difference?
> Unfortunately, HolQeD issue 2 and 3 are the only ones I do not have in
> my archives, so I could not look it up myself. (PS: any idea where to
> get them?)
> --
> Lieven L. Litaer
> aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"
> http://www.tlhInganHol.com
> http://klingon.wiki/En/VeSQonoS
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