[tlhIngan Hol] aspect suffix -pu' with motlh roD and reH

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Oct 29 06:39:57 PDT 2020

On 10/29/2020 9:24 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> mu'tlhegh wa':
> pa'logh, qaStaHvIS wa' DIS, pItSa' vISop
> during one year in the past, I eat pitsa
> (my eating the pizza is an event being repeated during that period
> more than once)
> mu'tlhegh cha':
> pa'logh, qaStaHvIS wa' DIS, reH/roD/pIj/motlh pItSa' vISoppu'
> during one year in the past, I have eaten pizza always/regularly/often/usually
> (my eating the pizza is an event being repeated during that period
> more than once)
> vaj.. raplaw' mu'tlhegh wa' mu'tlhegh cha' je; chaq wa' DI'onmo' neH
> pIm mu'tlheghvam:
> historical present lo' mu'tlhegh wa'
> "looking back" Ho'DoS lo' mu'tlhegh cha'
> jIlugh'a' ?

No, I would say that sentence one is stating a general truth, not 
speaking in a way resembling English historical present tense.

(You can just say *wa' DIS* as a time expression. We have the example of 
*wa' jaj* in TKW that does the same thing. *wa' DIS pItSa' chab 
vISop*/One year, I ate pizza./)

I really don't think another extended discussion of the difference 
between using perfective in the past and not using perfective in the 
past is going to be of any help. Perfective means you're looking back at 
an action completed no matter where in time that action occurs relative 
to you. Lacking perfective or continuous suffixes means the sentence 
means anything other than perfective or continuous.


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