[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: tuj muvwI'

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Tue Nov 3 07:41:22 PST 2020

Am 03.11.2020 um 16:13 schrieb Steven Boozer:
> Derived from the verb  {muv] "join" it's another of the words from veS QonoS, which gave us three other medical devices:
> 'uD Haqtaj 	laser scalpel (n) [discussed yesterday]
> Hergh QaywI'  	pneumatic hypo (n)
> petqaD 		bone-mender (n)

{petqaD} first appeared in the Haynes "Klingon Bird of Prey - Owners'
Workshop Manual", p. 107. It was afterwards vetted by Okrand at the
qepHom 2012: "Maltz said it was a good word, though sort of technical."

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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