[tlhIngan Hol] tlhIngan Hol DajatlhtaHvIS nItlhejpu' 'Iv? / Counting conversant speakers

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Mon May 4 23:43:32 PDT 2020

Am 05.05.2020 um 07:36 schrieb De'vID:
> Recently it came up in conversation about whether there are
> "generations" of Klingon speakers. (It came up because I have a son, who
> now knows a little bit of Klingon.)

I also recently thought about this while working on the Klingon Wiki,
which has its seed in the KLI wiki, which started in 2002.

There is this one page with Klingonists, and it's absolutely out of
date. First, many of them are not active any more, some don't even live
any more. Next, as per definition as "Klingonist", every person learning
Klingon is a Klingonist, so I could several thousand students of Klingon.

There is a separated list of "notable" speakers, including those with
special achievements, and even that one needs to be changed.

So, yes I agree, there are "generations" of speakers, but not from a
biological vew, more of an age/time view. The first generation are those
90's Klingonists who founded the KLI and joined quickly after. 2000-2010
does not have much of change, but then we have the 2010+ generation of
new people learning Klingon.

 > and have participated several times in Lieven's qepHom'a'. So I feel
 > like I'm a 2nd-gener.

 > Anyway, I wish I had a social graph of Klingon speakers showing how
 > people know each other (in real life, virtually, etc.) so we can
 > visually see what the community connections look like.

This has also changed over the time. The first gen grew up with email,
and still uses it, while the 2nd gen is a lot more into Facebook.

 > Also, I wonder how many children of Klingon speakers also speak Klingon?

I think that's very few only that can be listed on one hand.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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