[tlhIngan Hol] bID in noun-noun constructions

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu May 14 03:23:01 PDT 2020

> {bID yIH(mey)} "half of the tribbles"
> {yIH{mey} bID} "the tribbles' halves"
> {SuD bID yIHmey} "half of the tribbles are green"
> (there are an equal number of {SuD} and {Doq} tribbles)
> {SuD yIHmey bID} "the tribbles' halves are green"
> (each tribble is {SuD} on one side and {Doq} on the other)

ok, I understand this, thanks. But there's something which feels
strange when we apply {bID} to singular nous, and I get the impression
that the way it is to be applied, has to do with whether the end
result makes sense. And perhaps this is the reason you wrote:

> I would expect {choQ bID} to be something which is functionally not the same as a {choQ}.

Because indeed, what would a "deck half" be ? It sounds like we have
something which someone built, which is comprised of two halves, with
only one of them being a deck. Or perhaps we have a half which is "of
the deck kind". Strange indeed.

Anyways, if it's not much trouble, please read the following example,
and tell me whether you agree with my understanding of how {bID} works
in conjunction with singular nouns.

There's a pizza on the table; half of it has mushrooms and half has meat.

If I say {bID pItSa' vISop}, then it means that I'll eat half of the
pizza without specifying which half I'll eat. Perhaps I'll eat the
mushroom half, perhaps the meat half, or perhaps I'll eat from both.
What matters though, is that when I finish, half the amount of the
pizza will be gone.

If I say {pItSa' yav 'atlhqam bID vISop} then it means "I'll eat the
mushroom half of the pizza".

Do you agree with the above ?

~ mayqel qunen'oS

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