[tlhIngan Hol] Mother's Day message from the Mother of the Klingon Empire

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Sun May 10 00:00:28 PDT 2020

For Mother's Day, {SoS} (Chancellor L'Rell, Mother of the Klingon Empire)
sent a personalised message to my wife.

As it contains some spoken Klingon, I thought some of you might be

This is what she says:
{chay' qImroq tuj jajmo' qapatlhmoHchu'?
'IwlIj tuj 'IH HoS, jajvam tuj 'IH puj.
Qom ghub Qejlu'bogh jevtaHvIS SuS qu'.
'ej qul DIr Soplu'pu'pa' Dor poH tuj.}

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