[tlhIngan Hol] {-meH}ed nouns with {-chuq}

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue May 5 06:09:39 PDT 2020

We know, we can have a {-meH}ed noun in the following way:

{QongmeH Duj}

But could we {-meH} a verb which has the {-chuq} ? Example:

{nga'chuqmeH mIw bopbe' ruSchaj}

their relation isn't about sex

Of course, we could say {ngaghmeH mIw} instead, but then we wouldn't have an example to ask the question, would we ?

~ mayqel qunen'oS

jedi scum, may the fourth is over;

today, is the revenge of the fifth !!!

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