[tlhIngan Hol] vIb - propagate

Hugh Son puqloD Hugh at qeylIS.net
Mon Mar 30 05:34:15 PDT 2020

> On Mar 30, 2020, at 05:13, De'vID <de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, 29 Mar 2020 at 14:13, Hugh Son puqloD <Hugh at qeylis.net> wrote:
>> I also now wonder whether {vIb} can be used for science fiction style time travel to the future. I’m thinking it can’t, if the meaning is to propagate through time, but I’m not sure how to express this concept. {vIbqu'} doesn’t really seem right.
> nuqjatlh? If {vIb} isn't used for science-fiction-style time travel to the future, what is this example then?
> {wa'vatlh DIS vIvIb} "I time-travel 100 years into the future"

Oops. I had forgotten about or never knew about that example, which both demonstrates {vIb} with a direct object and apparently expresses the sense of non-natural time travel to the future, and didn’t think to look for existing examples. 

DopDaq qul yIchenmoH QobDI' ghu'.
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