[tlhIngan Hol] New words from Hamletmachine
de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 02:10:57 PDT 2020
On Mon, 30 Mar 2020 at 22:02, Lieven L. Litaer <levinius at gmx.de> wrote:
> Body parts:
> == Okrand quote ==
> {nev'ob} refers to both the "thigh" and the "upper arm" (above the
> elbow). Similarly, {reStav} refers to both the "shin" and the "forearm."
> If it's necessary to make a distinction, precede these words with {'uS}
> or {DeS}.
Does {reStav} refer to the front (facing front of the body) side of the
shin and forearm, or the side exterior to the joint (front of the lower
leg, but back of the lower arm)?
> {cha'neH}, when used alone, means "forearm." But when preceded by {'uS},
> it means "lower part of the leg." You could also say {DeS cha'neH} for
> "forearm," but this would probably be used only in a context where you
> were talking about both the forearm and the lower leg and wanted to
> clarify which was which.
> {reStav} is "shin," meaning the front of the lower leg. (I assume
> "Schienbein" is "shin bone." {reStav} is more than just the bone. The
> only way Maltz was aware of for referring to the bone is {reStav Hom}.)
So, to be clear, {cha'neH} refers to sum of {reStav} and {Do'ghI'}?
{Do'ghI'} is "calf," meaning the back of the lower leg ("Wade," presumably).
Is there a {DeS Do'ghI'} and if so, what specifically does it refer to?
> == Okrand quote end ==
> Clarifying "hang":
> == Okrand quote ==
> {HuS} takes an object. If your shoes are hanging on a wall it's because
> somebody hung them there.
> {HuS} is not used to mean "lynch" or "execute by hanging." That's a
> different word: {jIb}. (Maltz thought maybe an early form of torture or
> execution was hanging people by their hair, but he wasn't totally sure
> about this and may have just been reacting to the homophony.)
Hang on... Does {jIb} primarily mean "lynch" or "execute by hanging"? I
assume the latter since this is being mentioned in connection with {HuS},
but "lynch" just means extrajudicial execution by a mob, not necessarily
hanging. (Perhaps the two are equated in American culture?)
> And there's another word: {tlhep} "be suspended, be dangling." Use
> {HuS} if, for example, you hang your coat on a hook on the wall or hang
> sheets on a clothesline to dry. But if, say, you see a spider dangling
> at the bottom of one of those silk threads that spiders extrude, use
> {tlhep}. Or if you see a pair of shoes tied together by the laces and,
> for whatever reason, they're hanging by the tied-together laces from an
> overhead power wire, use {tlhep}.
Okay, but what if your shoes are hanging by tied laces to dry on a
clothesline next to some sheets? In that case, has it been {HuS}'d but
isn't {tlhep}ing, is it considered to {tlhep} and not was not {HuS}'d even
if someone had put it up there, or is it both? What about a pair of winter
gloves hung up to dry? What if you threw some sheets up on a power line?
I'm not being pedantic, I genuinely don't understand the distinction
between shoes and other clothing or whatever exact distinction is being
drawn here between hanging and dangling.
> == Okrand quote end ==
> Okrand agreed that {jIb'egh} is "suicide by hanging".
> Next, there was a question about a "concubine":
> == Okrand quote ==
> Maltz thought the best word for this might be {lIwnal}, though maybe
> not: the cultural connotations are a bit different since, in Klingon
> culture, everything associated with a {lIwnal} lacks honor, and this is
> not necessarily the case for a (Terran) king's concubines or courtesans.
> Note that only married people could have a partner who could be
> considered a {lIwnal}. Also, {lIwnal} could be male or female, so if
> it's necessary to distinguish, say {loD lIwnal} or {be' lIwnal}.
> == Okrand quote end ==
> More words:
> {ghenlan} - Greenland (country)
> {qaw'} - flip over
> {qaw'moH} - flip over (i.e. "make something flip over")
> {rIv} - split
(This is clarified in the linked page to be transitive, as in "the ax split
the watermelon", not "the watermelon split in half".)
> {vIrgh} - rip (up), slash, tear (up), gash
> {'o'nI'} - foam, froth
Is this a verb or a noun?
> Not new words, but combined translations:
> {DeSwar bIr} - refrigerator
> {jorchan velqa'} - stage decoration
> {much jech} - costume
> {much yaH} - stage
> {qab jech} - mask
> Transliterations:
> {qo'qa' qo'la'} - Coca Cola
> {lIyenIn} - Lenin
> {maw} - Mao
This entry is going to be annoying for me as I have to add it in Hong Kong
Chinese to {boQwI'}, but nobody refers to Mao as just "Mao". (That is, for
the Chinese entry to make sense, it should be the transliteration of Mao
Zedong/Mao Tse-Tung, not just "Mao".)
Anyway, I wonder if someone is going to complain that {boQwI'} now contains
the names of Communists but not famous people associated with other
political ideologies. (If you think I'm kidding, you have no idea how many
weirdos there are on the Internet. Better throw in the names of America's
Founding Fathers now.)
> The question for a "stage" was answered with a general statement:
> == Okrand quote ==
> Any place specifically designated for the performance of a specific task
> (or tasks) is a {yaH}. A stage is the {yaH} for the performance of
> plays or, perhaps, music. A football field is the {yaH} for a football
> game. A laboratory is a scientist's {yaH}. And, of course, on a ship, a
> {yaH} is a duty station. If context isn't enough to clarify what sort
> of {yaH} it is, you can say things like {much yaH}, {QoQ yaH},
> {tamlerQeD yaH}, etc.
> == Okrand quote end ==
Is a {tamlerQeD yaH} the entirety of a {tamlertej}'s {Qulpa'}, or just the
table/desk/station in the {tamlertej}'s immediate work area? I assume the
latter since that corresponds to a "duty station" on a ship, but the other
examples suggest a {yaH} could cover a much bigger area or concept.
> There's an idiom for "kill time": {'ebmey jonHa'}
> Talking about a "virgin", Okrand suggested saying it literally what a
> virgin is:
> {pagh ngaghpu'bogh be'} or {not vay' ngaghpu'bogh be'}
> Doing so, he answered the question if {ngagh} can be used with people.
> And in case anyone wondered, {jach} is a good verb to describe what a
> {jajlo' Qa'} does.
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