[tlhIngan Hol] why we shouldn't do transcriptions

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Mar 2 13:44:13 PST 2020

Some more examples supporting the pattern :

QIncha'  	krincha (type of animal) (n)
QIStaq  		Kri'stak (GN)
QI'yoS wa'  	Krios Prime (GN)

Daqrab  	well (n)
Hoqra'  		tricorder (n)
neqratlh 	glasses, spectacles (n)
SIqral 		Skral (GN)
vIqraq 		artifact, work of art (n)
'aqroS		top [interior]; maximum (n)

{SIqral} surprises me a little.  I might have expected *{SIQal}.


-----------------------------------Original Message-----------------------------------
From: Lieven L. Litaer

On 2/29/2020 12:23 PM, MorphemeAddict wrote:
>> Besides, isn't the standard way to transliterate "kr" {Q}?

Am 01.03.2020 um 02:41 schrieb SuStel:
> Standard? What standard?

It's maybe the incorrect word choice, but the "observation" and analysis of existing transliterations shows that kr "usually" corresponds to {Q}:

Kronos - Qo'noS
kradge - Qaj
Kruge - Qugh
Sakrej - Sa'Qej
valkris - valQIS
Kras - QaS
K'ratak - Qa'taq
Krell - Qel
Krenn - Qen
Krotmag - Qotmagh

The transliteration {qr} appears when it's between two syllables:

boq-rat - bokrat
Mek-ro'vak - meqro'vaq
Ok-rand - 'oqranD

I'm not saying it's a rule or a standard, but there's definitely an obvious pattern visible: Not one single syllable starts with {qr}.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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