[tlhIngan Hol] 'elI'jaH

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Mar 11 06:26:12 PDT 2020

That could be.  "i.e. 2006" may have been an interpolation by me when I added it to my notes over thirteen years ago.   Since 'ISqu's message was in August and IIRC qep'a'mey are usually held in July, she could have meant "last" in the sense of previous or most recent one, e.g. "in the last episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" referring to part one of a two-part story.  This ambiguity is fairly common in English.


-----------------------------------Original Message-----------------------------------
From: Lieven L. Litaer

Thanks to Voragh for the details... which lead me to a next question/irregularity:

Am 10.03.2020 um 19:34 schrieb Steven Boozer:
> (Qov 8/02/2007):  paqDaq latlh mu' ghaj Okrand

> ('ISqu' 8/11/2007):  The word Okrand wrote in my notebook during last year's qep'a' [i.e. 2006] was spelled {'elI'jaH}.

Both messages are from 2007, but the second writes "last year's qep'a'".
Could that be a mistake, refering to the "last" qep'a' being the one in the same year?

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