[tlhIngan Hol] {neH} and {-bogh}ed nouns
sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Mar 4 10:17:35 PST 2020
On 3/4/2020 12:34 PM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> I give up !
> The more I read, the more confused I become..
*qama''e' qIppu'bogh ghaH*
When you want to use *neH,* you have to attach it to the end of either a
noun or a verb. You can use a noun phrase or pronoun instead of a noun.
You can't stick the *neH* anywhere you like; it must go immediately
after either a noun (or noun phrase or pronoun) or a verb.
So what are the nouns (or noun phrases or pronouns) or verbs in this
/*qama''e' qIppu'bogh ghaH*/noun phrase/
You can put a *neH* immediately after any of these, and it will apply
specifically to it. Applied to a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun, it means
only that noun, noun phrase, or pronoun. Applied to a verb it means
merely that verb.
*qama''e' neH* /only the prisoner
/*qIppu'bogh neH*/merely hit
/*ghaH neH*/only him/her
/*qama''e' qIppu'bogh ghaH neH*/only the prisoner whom he/she hit/
IN THE EXAMPLE WE'RE WORKING WITH, the following is NOT a noun (or noun
phrase or pronoun) or verb: *qama''e' qIppu'bogh.* In some other example
this would be a perfectly good noun phrase, but in this example it is
only a fragment of the actual noun phrase *qama''e' qIppu'bogh ghaH.* So
you can't put *neH* after *qama''e' qIppu'bogh* with the intention of it
applying to that entire fragment.
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