[tlhIngan Hol] {neH} and {-bogh}ed nouns

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Mar 4 09:21:28 PST 2020

On 3/4/2020 11:51 AM, Will Martin wrote:
> For “only the prisoner whom he/she hit,” you’d have to say {qama’ neH 
> qIppu’bogh}.
> {neH} follows the noun it applies to.

Or noun phrase. *qama' qIppu'bogh* is a noun phrase that means /prisoner 
whom he hit/ (and various plural and pronoun variations). So you can add 
a *neH *to the end of it. *qama' qIppu'bogh neH* can mean /only the 
prisoner whom he hit./ But the *neH* can also be interpreted as applying 
to just the verb, so it also means /prisoner whom he merely hit./

> If you wanted to say "the prisoner whom only he hit", you’d say 
> {qama’’e’ qIppu’bogh ghaH neH}.

This can also be interpreted as /only the prisoner whom he hit,/ because 
*qama''e' qIppu'bogh ghaH* is a noun phrase to which you can append *neH.*


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