[tlhIngan Hol] Body parts list

Jeremy Silver jp.silver at tiscali.co.uk
Sun Jun 21 13:02:42 PDT 2020

On Sunday, 21 June 2020 20:55:40 BST Lieven wrote:
> This page is quite complete:
> http://klingon.wiki/En/BodyParts
> Lieven.
Seeing some typos and omissions (will edit), here's what I have (likely with 
different errors/omissions/choices on what constitutes a body part).
| bem        n    sole [of foot] (body-part)
| bo         n    feather (body-part)
| boD        n    forehead (regional term) (body-part)
| burgh      n    stomach (body-part)
| chap       n    back [of hand] (body-part)
| cha'neH    n    forearm, lower part of the leg (body-part) [alone means 
"forearm". Precede by 'uS for "lower part of the leg". DeS cha'neH for 
"forearm" probably used only where you were talking about both the forearm and 
the lower leg.]
| chej       n    liver (body-part)
| chI'ID     n    uterus, womb (ncc) (body-part)
| chor       n    belly (body-part)
| DaQ        n    ponytail (body-part)
| DaynguH    n    testicle (body-part)
| DeS        n    arm (body-part)
| DeSqIv     n    elbow (body-part)
| DIr        n    skin, animal hide, hide (of an animal) (body-part)
| Do'ghI'    n    calf [back of lower leg] (body-part)
| Dub        n    back (body-part)
| DughrI'    n    skull (body-part) [nach Hom has been used for this, and 
that's fine]
| Du'        ns2  plural [body-parts]
| Du'ran     n    philtrum (body-part) [groove between upper lip and nose]
| gham       n    limb of animal, animal limb (body-part)
| ghapqa'    n    jaw (body-part)  [May be used for things that resemble 
anatomical jaws. In such cases, the plural remains ghapqa'Du'.]
| ghIch      n    nose (body-part)
| ghISDen    n    scales (animal covering) (body-part)
| ghIt       n    open hand, flat hand, hand (open/flat) (body-part)
| ghIv       n    limb of person, person's limb (body-part)
| ghop       n    hand (body-part)
| Hom        n    bone (body-part)
| HomwI'     n    toe (second), second toe (body-part) (toes) [little piggy 
stayed at home.]
| Ho'        n    tooth (body-part)
| Ho' tIq    n    fang [ncc] (body-part)
| Hugh       n    throat (body-part)
| Hutvav     n    nerve (anatomy, physiology) (body-part)
| Hutvav rarwI' n    neural synapse (body-part)
| Huy'       n    eyebrow (body-part)
| Huy'Dung   n    forehead [regional term lit. above the eyebrows] (body-part)
| jargh      n    forehead (regional term) (body-part)
| jat        n    tongue (body-part)
| jIb        n    hair [on head] (body-part), comb (~ Ho'Du'), hairbrush (~ 
| joQ        n    rib (body-part)
| lem        n    hoof (body-part)
| lev        n    hard palate, roof of mouth (body-part)
| ley'       n    nose [regional] (body-part)
| loch       n    moustache (body-part)
| loDmach    n    male genitalia, penis (body-part)
| logh'ob    n    chest (body-part) [the upper front of the torso]
| luH        n    intestine, gut, bowel (body-part)
| lur        n    pupil [of eye] (body-part)
| marwI'     n    toe (big/first), big toe, first toe (body-part) (toes) [little 
piggy went to market.]
| mavje'     n    liver [regional] (body-part)
| mej'aD     n    artery (blood vessel) (body-part)
| melchoQ    n    marrow (bone), bone marrow (body-part)
| mIn        n    eye (body-part)
| mInyoD     n    eyelid (body-part) [lit. "eye shield" (used in Klingon 
| mIQ        n    forehead [regional] (body-part)
| mong       n    neck (body-part)
| mov        n    top of foot (body-part)
| muylIS     n    eyelash (body-part)
| nach       n    head (body-part)
| namwech    n    paw (body-part)
| nanwI'     n    toe (fourth), fourth toe (body-part) (toes) [little piggy 
had none.]
| nev'ob     n    thigh, upper arm (body-part) [is both, to make a 
distinction, precede with 'uS or DeS]
| nItlh      n    finger (body-part) (fingers)
| nItlhpach  n    fingernail (body-part), flat end of pigment stick
| nobmeD     n    skeleton (body-part) [qal'aq is fine for "skeleton" if 
modified: Hom qal'aq or porgh qal'aq]
| noq        n    nipple [plurals: noqDu' (anatomy), noqmey (on bottles etc.)] 
| no''och    n    forehead [regional] (body-part)
| nuj        n    mouth (body-part)
| ngech      n    valley, woman's cleavage (body-part), cleavage of woman 
| ngIb       n    ankle, knee. [also slang term of deprecation] (body-part)
| ngob'at    n    breast, tit (ncc), boob (ncc), mammary-gland (ncc) (body-
part) [Female anatomy.]
| pach       n    claw, talon (body-part)
| paw'aD     n    vein (blood vessel) (body-part)
| pIp        n    spine, backbone (body-part)
| pob        n    hair [on body] (body-part)
| porgh      n    body (body-part)
| qab        n    face (body-part) [symbol of identity]
| qam        n    foot (body-part)
| qanwI'     n    finger (pinky/little, pinky finger, little finger (body-part) 
| qaywI'     n    finger (middle/second), middle finger, second finger (body-
part) (fingers)
| qevpob     n    jowl, cheek (body-part)
| qewwI'     n    finger (ring/third), third finger, ring finger (body-part) 
| qey'Hav    n    vagina (body-part)
| qIv        n    knee (body-part)
| qIvon      n    unidentified body part (body-part)
| qogh       n    ear (external cartilaginous flap) (body-part)
| Qay'wI'    n    toe (little/fifth), little toe, fifth toe (body-part) (toes) 
[little piggy cried/blew its top.]
| QoghIj     n    brain (body-part)
| Quch       n    forehead (body-part)
| rajma'     n    kidney (body-part)
| reStav     n    shin, front of lower leg (body-part) [the bone is reStav 
| rIlwI'     n    thumb [usually for a child's thumb. See also Sen.] (body-
part) (fingers)
| ro         n    trunk, torso (body-part)
| rol        n    beard (body-part)
| roSwI'     n    toe (third/middle), middle toe, third toe (body-part) (toes) 
[little piggy had roast beef.]
| ro'        n    fist (body-part)
| Sa'Hut     n    ass (arse), arse, rear end, buttocks (body-part)
| SenwI'     n    thumb [usually for a an adult thumb. See also /rIl/.] (body-
part) (fingers)
| SIqwI'     n    finger (first/index), index finger, first finger (body-part) 
| Somraw     n    muscle (body-part)
| tagh       n    lung (body-part)
| tel        n    wing (body-part)
| teS        n    ear (organ of hearing) (body-part)
| tIq        n    heart (body-part)
| toch       n    palm (of-hand) (body-part)
| to'waQ     n    ligament, tendon (body-part)
| tuqvol     n    forehead [regional, tuq possibly refers to family 
resemblances seen in forehead ridges, vol is unknown.] (body-part)
| turmIq 'enDeq n    bladder (urinary), urinary bladder (body-part) [Strictly, 
the noun 'enDeq refers to anatomy, but it can be used metaphorically in other 
contexts, which is the way it works in English.]
| tlhon      n    nostril (body-part)
| tlhuQ      n    tail (body-part)
| va'nuch    n    heel [just of foot?] (body-part)
| volchaH    n    shoulder (body-part)
| wIlle'     n    joint (body-part)
| woS        n    chin (body-part)
| wuS        n    lip (body-part)
| yaD        n    toe (body-part) (toes)
| yeb        n    wrist [slang term of deprecation] (body-part)
| 'achler    n    nape, scruff, back of neck (body-part)
| 'aD        n    vein (general term for blood vessel) (body-part)
| 'aDtay'    n    circulatory system (body-part)
| 'aQlo      n    forehead [regional] (body-part)
| 'enDeq     n    bladder (urinary if turmIq ~, otherwise derived ncc) (body-
part) [Strictly, the noun 'enDeq refers to anatomy, but it can be used 
metaphorically in other contexts, which is the way it works in English.]
| 'eQway     n    belly button, navel (body-part)
| 'InSep     n    penis (body-part)
| 'IvtIH     n    hip (body-part)
| 'I'        n    armpit (body-part)
| 'uS        n    leg (body-part)

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