[tlhIngan Hol] 'ar in "to be" constructions
sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Jun 18 07:42:05 PDT 2020
On 6/18/2020 10:18 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> jIH:
>> 1) jaghpu'na'ma' chaH qama' 'ar'e' ?
>> or
>> 2) jaghpu'na'ma' chaH qama''e' 'ar ?
> I rethought this matter and decided that unless there is any Ca'Non
> which suggests otherwise, to be placing the {-'e'} on the noun instead
> of the question word {'ar}.
> So, in the example above I'd finally choose to write {jaghpu'na'ma'
> chaH qama''e' 'ar ?}.
> First of all, there's something which seems wrong with writing
> {jaghpu'na'ma' chaH qama' 'ar'e' ?}.
> And second, the only question words in Ca'Non known to be able to bear
> type-5 suffixes are the {'Iv} and {nuq}, since they occupy*exactly*
> the same position as their answer. But (as far as I know), there is
> nowhere written that the {'ar} functions similarly.
*nuqDaq* also occupies the same location as the answer, but it's said to
be a combination of *nuq + -Daq,* so it's already got a type 5 suffix
and can't have another.
Lacking any instructions whatsoever on the mutual use of *'ar* and type
5 suffixes, I too would not assume the suffix goes on *'ar.* And this
isn't limited to translations of "to be" sentences.
/How many buildings do you work in?
/*qachDaq 'ar bIvum?*
But if we do receive word later that the suffix migrates to the *'ar,* I
will not be surprised or dismayed.
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