[tlhIngan Hol] neH before the neH of a sao
mayqel qunen'oS
mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 05:15:38 PDT 2020
> If neH is okay after an 'e', then this means You care that it is only the case
> that we capture the ancient cat. neH after a pronoun is the same as neH after
> a noun, and neH after a noun means only this, not that. Your English translation,
> on the other hand, invokes the after-a-verb sense of merely: You care that it is
> merely the case that we capture the ancient cat; You care about the triviality that
> is our capturing the ancient cat.
I'm afraid I can't understand this.
The way I understand the sentence {vIghro' tIQ wIjon 'e' neH DaSaH},
is "there is an event (our capturing the ancient cat), and you care
only about that event". How is this different from "You care that it
is only the case that we capture the ancient cat" ?
I'm not arguing that the way I understand this is correct; I genuinely
can't "feel" any difference between the two.
~ qa'yIn
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