[tlhIngan Hol] neH before the neH of a sao

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Jun 10 07:08:12 PDT 2020

On 6/10/2020 10:04 AM, Will Martin wrote:
> It is confusing that English uses “only” sometimes to mean 
> “exclusively”, and other times to mean “merely”, and Okrand chose to 
> use the word “only” instead of sticking to the more specific 
> “exclusively” or “merely”. It means that we can’t be sure whether the 
> canon examples intentionally or accidentally suggest different meaning 
> depending on whether it follows nouns or verbs.
> SuStel appropriately assumes it was intentional, since there are 
> apparently no contradictory examples in canon to suggest otherwise, 
> leaving us with a little extra work to do if we want to convey the 
> meaning we don’t have an example for in canon.

No... Okrand says so explicitly in TKD:

    Unlike the other adverbials, *[neH]* follows the verb which it
    modifies. The semantic effect is one of trivializing the action.


    Also unlike the other adverbials, *neH *can follow a noun. In such
    cases, it means /only, alone./


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