[tlhIngan Hol] Because there are laws, people should choose their words carefully

Sean Inman visirus at gmail.com
Thu Jun 25 05:24:11 PDT 2020

qatlh naDev 'oHtaH chatlhvam'e'. DaSuvtaH, puq Darur. bo'DIj DajaH 'e'
DaneHchugh 'ej DaturlaHchugh vaj yItur. puq bepmeylIj, puq mIytaHghachlIj
vIlaD vIneHbe'. 'op wa''a' Hol ghoSovqa'moH, pagh Hol bopbogh Doch
ghoSovqa'moH. QIp jabbI'IDmeyvamlaw'.

On Thu, Jun 25, 2020, 7:17 AM mayqel qunen'oS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:

> ghunchu'wI':
> > bIDogh; 'un Darur.
> fse:
> ghunchu'wI',
> unfortunately you still haven't understood the gravity of the
> situation, and you still obviously fail to realize what a person is
> allowed to say about another person and what not. Perhaps I should
> take the time to explain to you what is punishable by law to say about
> someone. Perhaps I should..
> But how could I expect you to ever understand ?
> You see, I know what the limits are, because I'm an orthopaedic
> surgeon, having treated thousands of patients so far, having worked in
> the emergency departments without sleep or rest for 30 hours straight,
> having come in contact with hundreds of people and their relatives in
> distress, and through my interaction with them I learned how to talk,
> even while others where crossing the line.
> I know what the limits are, with regards to what one can or cannot
> say, because I'm a specialist, having often to give my medical opinion
> about other doctors' diagnoses and treatments, and I have learned how
> to express my opinion respectfully, and within the boundaries of the
> law.
> I've learned to talk in a way that doesn't expose me to legal trouble,
> because I know that in the real world, there are consequences.
> I won't go into detail as to what exactly was said in that facebook
> thread, only for one reason. Because one of the people involved is not
> active on this list.
> And unlike the moderator who disabled comments on that thread as soon
> as I started defending myself, when I talk about a person I give him
> the chance to reply. I don't gag him, the way the moderator on that
> thread did.
> But trust me, if what you (plural) wrote in that thread, was written
> in Greece by Greeks, I *would* have sued, and there *would* be
> consequences.
> Now.. lets lay aside for a while, the real-world legal consequences of
> a person's actions, and lets do some community talk.
> It irritates me when someone who has almost never taught me anything,
> refers to me as if he/she was ever my teacher. So lets set the record
> straight.
> There's only one person to whom I owe more that 90% of everything I
> know; and that person is SuStel. SuStel is the one who has patiently
> taught me, answering literally thousands of questions over a time span
> of five years. Whatever skill I have in klingon, I owe it to SuStel.
> So 90% of whatever skill I have is the result of SuStel's guidance.
> The rest 10% comes from the following people: (the names are written
> in random order)
> De'vID
> lieven
> voragh
> charghwI'
> nIqolay Q
> loghaD
> It is only to SuStel and the people above, where I owe everything I
> know. To the rest I owe nothing. So, the acceptance (or lack thereof)
> of anyone else, to me means nothing.
> tlh:
> ghunchu'wI'; Saghchu' qaSpu'bogh wanI'; Do'Ha' 'e' Datlhojbe'. 'op mu'
> jatlh nuv; nuvvamvaD 'e' chaw' chut, 'a 'op mu' jatlh nuv; nuvvamvaD
> 'e' bot chut. 'a mu'mey mub Dangu'laHbe', 'ej mobbe'bogh mu'mey
> Dangu'laHbe' je. chaq SoHvaD mu'meyvam vIDelnIS, 'ach chay' bIyajlaH ?
> Somraw' Hom je Qel jIHmo', SaD law' SID vInuDpu'mo' 'ej vIvorpu'mo',
> qaStaHvIS wejmaH rep jIQongpu'be' 'a jIvumpu'mo', ('ej jIDoy'qu'taHvIS
> SIDpu' vInuDnISpu'mo'), nuvpu' SotvaD tuqnIghpu'chajvaD je
> jIjatlhnISpu'mo', ja'chuqmeH Ho'DoS mub vIghojmoHpu'.
> Qel po' jIHmo', 'ej latlh Qelpu' tu'meH 'ej vormeH wIvmey
> vIchovnISmo', ('ej Qu'vam vIturtaHvIS, latlhpu' vIvuvnIStaHmo'),
> ja'chuqmeH Ho'DoS mub vIghojmoHpu'.
> meqmeyvammo', chut vIbIvbe'meH jIqeqpu'. tera'vamDaq gher'IDmey tu'lu'mo'.
> wa' meqmo' neH qabpaq wani'mey vIDelbe'; wa' meqmo': pa' vangpu' 'op,
> 'ach naDev jeSbe' wa'. 'ej vay'vaD jIjatlhtaHvIS, Hub'egh vay'vam,
> ghaHvaD 'e' vIchaw'. 'ej meqvvammo' mapImchu'. qaStaHvIS qabpaq
> wani'mey. jIHub'eghchoHtaHvIS, jIjatlh jIHvaD net bot.
> 'ach HIvoq; 'elaDya'Daq jiHvaD qabpaq mu'mey jatlhpu'chugh
> 'elaDya'nganpu', vaj nuvpu'vamvaD bo'DIj vIjaHmoHbej. 'ej qaS*bej*
> gher'IDmey.
> 'ach DaH tera'vam DI'ruj gher'IDmey bopbe'choHjaj mu'meymaj. tlhIngan
> Hol nugh lubopchoHjaj.
> not jIHvaD vay' mughojmoHta' nuv, 'ach ghojmoHwI' Deq DaDa.
> muberghqu'moH wanI'vam, vaj DaH vIt vIjatlhchu'.
> jIHvaD, HutmaH vatlhvI' tlhIngan SovwIj nobta' SuStel, qaStaHvIS vagh
> DIS vorgh mughojmoHtaHvIS. jIHvaD wa' SaDlogh jangpu', 'ej ghIq
> jangqa', 'ej ghiq jangqa', 'ej ghIq jangqa'.. SuStelmo' qaSpu'
> tlhIngan laHwIj HochHom.
> 'ej wa' maH vatlhvI' tlhIngan SovwIj'e'.. jIHvaD Sovvam lunobta' nuvpu'
> veb:
> De'vID
> lieven
> voragh
> charghwI'
> nIqolay Q
> loghaD
> vaj, SuStelvaD nuvpu'vamvaD je neH tlho' vISIQnIS.
> mulaj latlhpu' 'e' vISaHbe'chu'.
> ~ Qa'yIn
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