[tlhIngan Hol] subject of the -bogh clause of a sao being the subject of another verb
sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Jul 30 06:08:23 PDT 2020
On 7/30/2020 8:30 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> charghwI':
>> Dun [Qap yuQDaj ‘e’ tulbogh nuv].
> SuStel:
>> This is grammatical and is the correct formation for what he tried to say.
> There's something I can't understand in this sentence. The subject of
> the {-bogh} phrase is the {nuv}. But what is the object of the {-bogh}
> phrase ? Is it only the {'e'} or is it the {Qap yuQDaj} ? Or are they
> both the subject ?
The object of *tulbogh* is *'e'.* The entire relative clause consists of
a sentence as object construction, *Qap yuQDaj 'e' tul nuv,* with
*-bogh* added to the main verb, *tul.*
The entire subject of the sentence is *Qap yuQDaj 'e' tulbogh
nuv*/person who hopes that his planet succeeds./
> This aside, could we extend
Note the difference between grammatically possible and wise.
> the correct {Dun [Qap yuQDaj ‘e’ tulbogh
> nuv]} to net, neH sao's and to quotations too ? Suppose we write:
> Dun [Qap yuQDaj net tulbogh]
> someone who hopes that his planet wins is great
No, because the relative clause has no head noun.
> Dun [Qap yuQDaj neHbogh nuv]
> the person who wants his planet to win is great
Yes, so far as we know. But as with all of these, it's confusing and
probably not a good idea.
> Dun [Qapjaj yuQwIj jatlhbogh nuv]
> the person who says may my planet win is great
Yes, with the same notes.
> Is there something wrong with the above sentences ?
Yes. They are too confusing to be understood without stopping and
parsing them. They're like the following perfectly grammatical English
/The horse raced past the barn fell.
/(The horse fell. The horse was raced past the barn by someone, and then
the horse fell.)
/The rat the cat the dog chased killed ate the malt.
/(The rate ate the malt. The cat killed the rat. The dog chased the cat.)
/Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
/(Yes, this is a grammatically correct sentence. It means, basically,
/Bison from Buffalo, New York, who are intimidated by other bison in
their community, also happen to intimidate other bison in their
community./ /Buffalo/ is the name of a city in New York, the name of an
animal species, and a verb meaning /intimidate./)
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