[tlhIngan Hol] naH in fruit names 'oQqar in vegetable names

Melanie Roney nahqun at gmail.com
Fri Jul 24 15:50:58 PDT 2020

Replying to the subject line which says that {naH} is used in fruit names
and {'oQqar} in vegetable names.

By definition {naH} is used to refer to both fruits and vegetables, while
{'oQqar} is for roots and tubers.

So, {'oQqar} would be for Earth beets, carrots, parsnips, turnips,
potatoes, jicama...

And I'm also of the opinion that adding either term to a produce name is
because it's not a Klingon food.
Personally, I wouldn't drop it.
I also wouldn't feel the need to add {tera'} unless for some reason I
really needed to specify that I wasn't talking about actual Klingon foods.

~naHQun; goddess of fruit/vegetables
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