[tlhIngan Hol] law' puS construction with nouns bearing suffixes
mayqel qunen'oS
mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Jul 2 05:40:58 PDT 2020
During battle, an officer sees on the screen something which is surely
an armed ship closing in at warp 3 and something else which seems to
be a ship which is more heavily armed closing in at warp 7.
Is there a reason why we couldn't say the following ?
DujHey Qob law' Dujna' Qob puS
the apparent ship is more dangerous than the definite ship
In the past, we've discussed the noun(s) of a law'/puS construction
being {-meH}ed nouns, {-bogh}ed nouns, even noun-noun constructions,
but I don't remember having ever discussed whether the noun(s) of a
law'/puS construction can take suffixes.
~ Qa'yIn
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