[tlhIngan Hol] placement of rIntaH relative to the verb

Alan Anderson qunchuy at alcaco.net
Fri Jan 24 09:03:26 PST 2020

Someone has already quoted the very end of TKD section 6.2.5.

> Finally, the use of {rIntaH} to indicate that an action is accomplished (section 4.2.7) is another example of the two-verb (or two-sentence) construction.

Based on this information, I treat {rIntaH} as its own sentence. I do not place it between another sentence’s verb and its subject.

{qar'a'} is explicitly said to be able to follow the sentence *or* to appear immediately after the verb, and is not mentioned in the section on complex sentences. I won’t extrapolate from it to {rIntaH} (though Andrew Strader obviously did).

-- ghunchu'wI'

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