[tlhIngan Hol] using {-lu'} in conjunction with {-ghach}
Hugh Son puqloD
Hugh at qeylIS.net
Thu Jan 16 07:07:01 PST 2020
> On Jan 16, 2020, at 08:59, mayqel qunen'oS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> This whole matter *feels* to me like, combining {-lu'} with {-wI'}, thus writing something like {leghlu'wI'}, which I don't *feel* as something actually making sense.
I’ve heard arguments that something like {leghlu'wI'} *could* mean something like “one that is seen” (i.e., the {-lu'} “flips” {-wI'} so that the formed noun is the object of the verb rather than the subject, much in the way that {-lu'} “flips” prefixes), and I can sort of see the train of thought that leads there, but I am unconvinced that it actually works that way and I am nearly certain it’s not supported by canon.
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