[tlhIngan Hol] did 'oqranD see the qepHom 2019 leaflet ?

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Tue Jan 14 04:31:31 PST 2020

Am 14.01.2020 um 12:58 schrieb mayqel qunen'oS:
> hahaha ! Why not ? Some trick questions are for good !

Okay. So answering your question: Okrand has seen the booklet.


He did NOT say anything about those titles.

I just did that using a fancy font just for layout resons, knowing that
it looks very strange.

I generally tell people to NOT write Klingon in all upper case, and also
not using a font that uses small caps, because that's also very annyoing
to read.

> I wonder in case 'oqranD saw this, whether this could mean, that we
> *could* write klingon in all caps.

If he SEES something does not mean he approves it. :-)

> ..Which would lead to me saying that: "It's not whether I want it or
> not; it's rather, whether it's possible".

Possible...? Of course it's "possible". And as long as you don't
encounter q/Q problems, there is no reason why it should not work.

But remember that if you start a discussion about writing all upper
case, it's bascially the same discussion of writing all lower case:
People will argue that it's not what is described in TKD.

compare TLHINGAN MAH TAHJAJ and tlhingan mah tahjaj, which should be
{tlhIngan maH taHjaj}.

My suggestion still is: Don't writing Klingon in upper case.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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