[tlhIngan Hol] can we place type-5 noun suffixes on the {'e'} of a sao ?

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Jan 15 06:55:37 PST 2020

{verengan 'opuHwI' ghaH SoSlI''e'; 'e''e' wISovmo', not Qang Damoj}
Your mother is a ferengi prostitute; because we know THAT, you will 
never become a chancellor

On 1/15/2020 9:41 AM, Will Martin wrote:
> I’m just curious. What does this rather complex construction give you 
> that the simpler {verengan ‘opuHwI’ ghaHmo’ SoSlI’’e’, not Qang Damoj} 
> fails to convey?


    *tlhIngan wa': Qang vImoj 'e' vIHech. jIHoS! jIval! jI'IH! jInIvmo'
    Qang vIgheS 'e' vIqotlh.*

    *tlhIngan cha': bIHoSbej. bIvalbej. bI'IHbej. 'ach verengan 'opuHwI'
    ghaH SoSlI''e'. 'e''e' wISovmo', not Qang Damoj.*

    /Klingon One: I intend to become chancellor. I'm powerful! Clever!
    Good-looking! Because I'm superior, I deserve to take on the mantle
    of chancellor./

    /Klingon Two: You certainly are powerful, clever, and good-looking.
    But your mother is a Ferengi prostitute. Because we know THAT, you
    will never become chancellor./

It's not necessarily the most concise way to say something like this, 
but it places emphasis on the /THAT/ which your alternative doesn't. The 
emphasis makes it clear that it's DESPITE all those things going for you 
that you won't become chancellor. If the second Klingon had simply said:

    *bIHoSbej. bIvalbej. bI'IHbej. 'ach verengan 'opuHwI' ghaHmo'
    SoSlI''e', not Qang Damoj.*

    /You //certainly are powerful, clever, and good-looking. But because
    your mother is a Ferengi prostitute, you will never become chancellor./

then the emphasis on the implied /despite/ doesn't appear.

Anyway, the point of the question was not to convey any particular idea, 
it was to construct a grammatical sentence that included a type 5 suffix 
on *'e'.*


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