[tlhIngan Hol] using {Hoch} after a noun with an adjective

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Jan 14 06:13:46 PST 2020

On 1/14/2020 9:05 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> I've been wondering lately, with regards to using {Hoch} after a noun 
> with an adjective, and more specifically its' position with regards to 
> the adjective.
> Assume we want to say "all of the big pie". There are two options:
> {chab tIn Hoch}
> {chab Hoch tIn}
> Of the two, my preference would be the first one, since -the way I 
> understand it- it goes like:
> "There is a big pie, and we consider all of it".
> While the second, feels like it means:
> "There is a pie, we consider all of it, and that all, is big".
> The only thing which troubles me, is whether it's permissible to 
> actually place {Hoch} after an adjective.
> Would anyone like to share any thoughts on this matter ?

Think of the word *Hoch* as meaning /entirety/ or /all-ness./ *chab 
Hoch* means /the pie's all-ness, the all-ness of the pie./ If you say 
*Hoch tIn,* you're saying /big all-ness,/ and *chab Hoch tIn* means /the 
pie's big all-ness./ This isn't what you mean, so it can't be right.

*chab tIn* means /big pie,/ so *chab tIn Hoch* means /big pie's 
all-ness,/ which is what you're looking for. There is no problem putting 
*Hoch* after an adjectivally acting verb, because you don't consider the 
verb on its own: it's part of the noun phrase *chab tIn.* Noun phrases 
participate in the noun-noun construction exactly as if they were nouns.


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