[tlhIngan Hol] meaning of an {x-mo' verb-be'} sentence

Will Martin willmartin2 at mac.com
Thu Jan 9 19:19:58 PST 2020

You don’t seem to notice that Okrand and Maltz don’t exist in adjacent centuries. The game is full of inconsistencies. That’s part of what makes it so interesting. 

Sent from my iPhone. 

> On Jan 9, 2020, at 6:54 PM, SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:
>> On 1/9/2020 5:09 PM, Will Martin wrote:
>> Interesting.
>> I play the game as a Klingon. That’s why I use the Klingon name.
> Then you play a Klingon who, for some reason, does not have access to first-hand knowledge of his world's language and culture. This game, the one which gives Okrand his authority over Klingon, is premised on the idea that only Okrand can produce canonical Klingon. That's the deal.
> When you play a Klingon, you're not playing under the same premise. When you play a Klingon, you cannot inform me of how your language works beyond what Okrand has told us.
> [snip a pointless rant about Facebook]
>> I still don’t understand why the Okrand-speaks-to-Maltz Universe can’t include the charghwI’-is-a-Klingon Universe. 
> Because you do not have access to first-hand knowledge about Klingons and their language, so you cannot reproduce the state of being an Okrand-canonical Klingon.
> [snip pointless tangent about the word universe.]
>> I like environments where more than one perspective is allowed. Unlike what you describe.
> I like perspectives just fine. I'm talking about premises. The premise here is that Okrand has the only access to an actual Klingon, and he finds out things about the language and culture from him. Under that premise, you cannot be a Klingon with first-hand knowledge of the language or culture.
> You can role-play a Klingon all you want. I have no problem with that. But this list assumes the premise I have repeated several times now. You can role-play a Klingon here if you want, that's fine. But your role-play doesn't inform the truth about the language, and you shouldn't be telling people what Klingons would or wouldn't say when people are asking linguistic questions.
>> And I very much like the list as it was when the list had HoD Qanqor as a grammarian, who shows up at qep’a’ in full uniform, complete with forehead, very much not acting like a human student. He’s fun.
> Nothing Krankor says is canonical either. And Krankor intentionally ignores anything Okrand says that he doesn't like. As fun as he may be, he does not hold authority to dictate the ways of the Klingon language.
> -- 
> SuStel
> http://trimboli.name
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