[tlhIngan Hol] relative clauses with {Hoch} in noun-noun constructions

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Mon Jan 6 07:30:51 PST 2020

On 1/6/2020 10:18 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> SuStel:
> > Then the relative clause would be nuj
> > 'elHa'bogh Hoch everything which un-
> > enters the mouth, and you'd take that
> > noun phrase and use it to modify mung,
> > which is not part of the relative clause.
> I'm afraid I'm still confused..
> Lets approach this differently, without talking about relative 
> clauses, since grammar terms confuse me.
> We have the sentence:
> {tIq 'oH nuj 'elHa'bogh Hoch mung'e'}
> Would you agree, that one possible translation is: "the origin of 
> everything which exits the mouth is the heart" ?
> Or would you say, that the *only* possible translation is: "each 
> origin which exits the mouth is the heart" ?
> Or is it, that both translations are possible ?

Lots of translations are possible. If you want to understand why, you 
MUST pay attention to the relative clause.

Do a substitution: where the clause appears, replace it with X.

You have many possibilities:

*tIq 'oH X*
     (where X = *nuj 'elHa'bogh Hoch mung'e'*)
*tIq 'oH X mung'e'*
     (where X = *nuj 'elHa'bogh Hoch*)
*tIq 'oH nuj X
*    (where X = *'elHa'bogh Hoch mung'e'*)
*tIq 'oH nuj X mung'e'
*    (where X = *'elHa'bogh Hoch*)
*tIq 'oH X Hoch mung'e'
*    (where X = *nuj 'elHa'bogh*)

Work out what each of those relative clauses mean, then plug those 
meanings into the complete sentence. And remember that *Hoch mung* might 
be translated /each origin/ or /origin of everything./ That's a lot of 
possible translations. Maybe come up with something less vague. *nuj 
mejchugh vay', tIq 'oH vay'vetlh mung'e'*/If something leaves the mouth, 
its origin is the heart./


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