[tlhIngan Hol] why we shouldn't do transcriptions

jevreh at qeylis.net jevreh at qeylis.net
Thu Feb 27 12:09:15 PST 2020

Aesthetically, I prefer transliterations as they flow better; however I appreciate some type of notification that the weird word I’m staring at is a transliteration. whether this is through the use of footnotes or italicisation or some other means…

This seems common in many scholarly translations of works where any amount of interpretive license was taken, you’ll see a footnote referencing the original word, or alternate translation, or the dated figure-of-speech.

SaDuSeypu’vaD* jatlh jeSuS

*Trans: Sadducees


Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 27, 2020, at 14:30, mayqel qunen'oS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hugh:
> > using the name “Peter” would have been > biased towards readers who speak 
> > languages where the name Πέτρος has 
> > been adapted to “Peter”.
> The readers of klingon are by definition "biased" toward the use of latin alphabet, since noone can learn klingon, unless he *can* use the latin alphabet.
> 99,9% of people who learn klingon, know english. And 99,9% of people who know english, would immediately recognize and understand the name "peter".
> On the other hand, how many would immediately understand the transliteration of that name ?
> There is a *major* contradiction here..
> On one hand someone learning klingon is being taught, that his sentences must be clear and easily understood..
> On the other hand there is the opinion, that "ok, lets transliterate 100 names, and whoever gets it gets it..".
> Transliterate for me the word "saducees", and then tell me that there's a way for *anyone* reading the transliteration to understand.
> And I will repeat what I asked earlier in this thread, but *noone* replied:
> If one reads the word "saducees" and doesn't understand he can look it up. But where can he look up its' transliteration ?
> ~ hchvchvn
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