[tlhIngan Hol] emphasizing by asteriscs prefixes and suffixes

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Feb 7 08:53:31 PST 2020

On 2/7/2020 11:20 AM, nIqolay Q wrote:
> That said, there is some official commentary from Okrand regarding 
> syllable emphasis:
>     For the possessive suffixes, however, this doesn't work.
>     {jaghna'lI'} means "definitely your enemy (and not your friend,
>     etc.)." It doesn't specifically mean "definitely your enemy (and
>     not mine)."
>     He said if you want to emphasize the possessor, just give it extra
>     stress when saying the word: {Duj*lIj*} (or Duj_lIj_ or Duj/lIj/
>     or Duj*_lIj_* or DujLIJ or however you want to transcribe it --
>     I'm not sure whether italics and bold and all of that will show up
>     for you).
I /knew /that Okrand had commented on emphasized syllables. I couldn't 
remember where.

Now mayqel is going to ask us about *-na'* not applying to *-lI'...* :D


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