[tlhIngan Hol] {neH} after {-logh} or {ben}

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Feb 3 06:56:15 PST 2020

In all the examples I know of {neH} follows a noun or a verb.  I checked my files for additional examples revealed since July 2013 but couldn’t find any.  (Which may only mean that I didn’t record it if it taught us nothing new.  In recent years I’ve been a bit overwhelmed by all the new material – or maybe it’s just laziness.)


From: tlhIngan-Hol <tlhingan-hol-bounces at lists.kli.org> On Behalf Of De'vID
Someone used {wa'logh neH} and I thought it was strange because {neH} is following an adverbial. While I understood it perfectly, AFAIK it can't do that, although one could argue that {wa'} is a number and hence a noun, and {neH} is modifying {wa'}, and {-logh} just happens to be tacked on to {wa'}.

Would others accept it?

I wondered if this question had already been asked on the mailing list, and lo and behold, I myself had asked this question in 2013:

On Tue, 2 Jul 2013 at 07:23, De'vID <de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com<mailto:de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com>> wrote:

We know that {neH} can follow verbs or nouns. Can it follow a number suffixed with {-logh}?

For example, {wa'logh neH qIp}. This is different than {wa'logh qIp neH}, which trivialises the hitting.

What about {ben} or other time elements, which are nouns? Would you understand {cha' ben neH qalegh}? Or does it have to be {cha' neH ben qalegh}?
The only reply at the time was Voragh, who responded with a list of canon usages of {neH}, none of which have {neH} following a number or an adverbial.

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