[tlhIngan Hol] Apposition on wI'-nouns

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Fri Feb 21 08:56:04 PST 2020

Am 21.02.2020 um 14:14 schrieb Felix Malmenbeck:
> I don't think this looks like a case of apposition; noun-noun compounds cover a wide range of relations, and this seems to be in keeping with that.
> A {DIr QanwI' taS} is a type of solution. What kind of solution? The skin protector type.
> A {wab labwI' jan} is a type of device. What kind of device? The sound-transmitter type.

That's exactly my point. So if "apposition" is not the correct word, how
would you describe this ..."situation" or "construction"?

In other words: If you would make an article in the Klingon Wiki, what
could it be called? After all, is there a name for this?

> It isn't clear why  [...]

I agree with that, and I'm just searching to find a pattern, if there is
one at all.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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