[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: Dat

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Dec 14 07:01:27 PST 2020

Klingon Word of the Day for Sunday, December 13, 2020

Klingon word: Dat
Part of speech: noun
Definition: everywhere
Source: TKD

qatlh Dat DI tu'lu', tlhIngan? 
Why is there rubble everywhere, Klingon? (CK)

qo'mey Sar charghtaHvIS chaH Dat tlhIngan may'Duj luleghDI' neH
 qIb nganpu' buQpu' may'Duj 'ej ghIjpu' 'oH.  nIteb ghIjpu' je Deghvam 
this symbol grew to become as feared throughout the galaxy as the
 menacing profiles of their battlecruisers. (SP1)

tagha' tIq Hoch botlh | Hochlogh Dat joqtaHjaj 
And finally *Tiq*, the heart and center of all things, may it forever beat,
 anywhere. (PB)
(TKD 27) :  It is worth noting at this point that the concepts expressed by the English adverbs here, there, and everywhere are expressed by nouns in Klingon: {naDev} "hereabouts", {pa'} "thereabouts", {Dat} "everywhere". These words may perhaps be translated more literally as "area around here," "area over there," and "all places," respectively. Unlike other nouns, these three words are never followed by the locative suffix [{-Daq}]. 

(st.k 11/21/99):  There is an idiomatic expression still heard with reasonable frequency which makes use of all three cardinal direction terms: {tIngvo' 'evDaq chanDaq}.  Literally, this means "from area-southwestward to area-northwestward to area eastward", but the idiom means "all around, all over, all over the place".  It is used in the same place in a sentence that the noun {Dat} "everywhere" might be used, but it is much more emphatic:  {tIngvo' 'evDaq chanDaq jIlengpu'} "I've traveled all over the place".  A more archaic form of the idiom is {tIngvo' 'evDaq 'evvo' chanDaq} (literally, "from area-southwestward to area-northwestward, from area-northwestward to area eastward"), but the three-word version (without the repetition of {'ev}) has all but totally replaced it.

vogh 		somewhere, someplace (n)

vogh vISuch vIneH 
I want to visit someplace. (CK) 

(Qov, at qep'a' 2015, 8/05/2015):  I asked [Okrand] if {vogh} could be used for a static locative, or was it only {pa’}, {naDev} and {Dat} that did not take {–Daq}.  He said that he did not think he had intended the list in TKD to be exclusive, and that {vogh} could probably be a locative all by itself, but that he would have to re-read it to be sure.

(qurgh < MO, qep’a’ 2017:  I asked Marc about this and he confirmed it.

vogh tIghla' tu'lu'  
[untranslated]  (qep’a’ 2017)

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
Feel free to mention any relevant vocabulary or notes from the last year
or so which I’ve missed. I’ve fallen woefully behind in updating my files.

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