[tlhIngan Hol] not repeating the 'e' of a sao

Will Martin willmartin2 at mac.com
Fri Aug 7 07:19:36 PDT 2020

QInvamDaq pIj yajHa’chuq nuvpu’, ‘ej QeHchoH, ‘ej lIjQo’, ‘ej qeHHa’Qo’. jaghpu’ mojnISbe’, ‘ach mojqang.

pupbe’ nuvpu’, vaj naDev, taHtaH jaghpu’. ghu’vam vImaSbe’, ‘ach vIchoHlaHbe’mo’ vIlaj.

charghwI’ vaghnerya’ngan

rInpa’ bomnIS be’’a’ pI’.

> On Aug 6, 2020, at 9:00 AM, mayqel qunen'oS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> ghunchu'wI':
>> QInDaj tIq vIlaDDI', qechDaj vItlha'laHbe'..
>> pIj nuvHey vIghovbe'bogh pong. pIj wanI'mey vIyajbe'bogh Del.
> For a number of reasons, I may choose not to specify exactly some
> details of a message. What *is* of importance though, is the grammar.
> If due to any mistakes in grammar you can't understand what I'm
> talking about, then you can point them out. qeylIS knows, I love to be
> corrected; I *want* to be corrected.
> ghunchu'wI':
>> jIyajchoHmeH jIghelchugh, muHIvlaw'.
> First of all, this has never happened. Yes we've argued, and quite
> intensely in the past, but that's all it ever was; a heated argument.
> And there is a specific reason this has happened.
> Whenever you don't understand what one of my posts is all about,
> instead of simply asking "what are you writing about ?", you start
> making assumptions as you did in the {'op jajmey..} thread:
> http://lists.kli.org/pipermail/tlhingan-hol-kli.org/2020-February/014366.html
> It would be better, if before making any assumptions, you just asked.
> ghunchu'wI':
>> QInmeyvetlh tIn vIlaD vIneHbe'choHchu'.
> Then I'll have to respectfully ask you not to read them. That's why
> there's the "delete" button.
> Also there's something I can't understand.
> If SuStel, De'vID, lieven, voragh, charghwI', nIqolay Q complained, or
> had any opinion on how and what I write, then I'd understand it, since
> they taught me everything I know. Any one of these people would have
> every right to say to me:
> "Haven't we taught you better ?"
> But ghunchu'wI', with all due respect, you almost never taught me
> anything. You never answered a single difficult question. It is your
> right to choose who you'll help, but don't judge how a person writes,
> when you never chose to teach that person in the first place.
> tlh:
> QInmey vIqontaHvIS, 'op meqmo' 'op QInvam ngoDmey vIQIjchu'be' 'e'
> vIwIvlaH. 'ach potlh *pab neH*. pab'e' jIQaghpu'chugh, 'ej meqvammo'
> 'op QInwIj DayajlaHbe'chugh, vaj jIHvaD pab QaghwIj tI'agh.
> vIlughmoHlu' 'e' vIQej. vIlughmoHlu' vIneHchu' 'e' Sov qeylIS.
> wa'DIch not qaSpu' wanI' DaDelbogh. pa'logh maSolqu'pu', teH.. 'ach
> qaSpu' wanI'vam neH. qaSpu' Solqu'meH wanI' neH. 'ej wa' meq potlhmo'
> qaSpu' wanI'vam. QIn vIngeHpu'DI', 'ej nuv/wanI' bopbogh QInvam
> DayajlaHbe'chugh, bIghelbe': nuq bop QInlIj ? bI'IrchoH; 'ej SoHvaD
> {'op jajmey..} QIn tlhegh vIqawmoH.
> bI'IrchoHpa', bIghelchugh, vaj qaq vangmeH Ho'DoSvam.
> jIyI'; QInmeywIj Daparchugh, vaj tIlaDQo'. ngoQvam chavmeH vay', {QIn
> Qaw'} (clipped usage of {Qaw'}) leQ tu'lu'.
> 'ej vay' vIyajlaHbe'bogh tu'lu'..
> bepchugh SuStel De'vID lieven voragh charghwI' nIqolay Q joq,
> QInmeywIj bopbogh vuD lujatlhchugh nuvvam, vaj SIbI' wanI'vam
> vIyajlaH, jIHvaD Hoch lughojmoHta' nuvvam. jIHvaD jatlhlaHbej Hoch
> nuvpu'vam:
> {pIghojmoHchu'pu'be''a'? qatlh bIQaghtaH?}
> 'a ghunchu'wI' - 'ej jIyI' - jIHvaD ramchu'wI'mey puSqu' neH
> DaghojmoHta'. not Qatlhchu'bogh pab DaQIjpu'. DIbna'Daj 'oH 'e'
> vIHonbe'bej. 'a not nuv DaghojmoHpu'chugh, vaj nuvvamvaD pagh yoj
> yImaq.
> ~ Qa'yIn
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