[tlhIngan Hol] {-'e'} on locatives which don't take {-Daq} and {-'e'} on time stamps
mayqel qunen'oS
mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 04:50:20 PDT 2020
jIqon: {Dat'e' romuluS Dujmey tu'lu'}.
nuq jatlh mu'tlheghvam ?
DuH wa': "there are romulan ships EVERYWHERE".
DuH cha': "as for everywhere, there are romulan ships".
DuH wej: qIt Hoch DuHmey vorgh.
jIqon: {DaSjaj'e' jIvumchoH}.
nuq jatlh mu'tlheghvam ?
DuH wa': "I begin to work on MONDAY".
DuH cha': "as for monday, I begin to work".
DuH wej: qIt Hoch DuHmey vorgh.
~ Qa'yIn
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