[tlhIngan Hol] Pronouns for irregular plurals

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Sun Aug 16 16:25:39 PDT 2020

On Tue, 27 Aug 2019 at 05:03, Hugh Son puqloD <Hugh at qeylis.net> wrote:

> On Aug 26, 2019, at 21:53, De'vID <de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com> wrote:
> these seem downright weird:
>> {nuqDaq 'oH ngop'e'?}
>> {'Iv ghaH no'ra''e'?}
>> {cha 'oH'a'?}
>> {negh ghaHlaw'.}
>> Do we have canonical evidence of pronouns used to stand in for irregular
>> plural nouns?
> {nuqDaq 'oH ngop'e'} is given as an example in KGT on p.33 where the
> grammar of inherently plural nouns is explained. Those sentences are
> grammatically correct.
> Sigh. Once again I ask a question that’s answered in KGT, and amusingly
> this time I even made up an example that is identical to a canonical
> example that answers my question.
> I clearly need to repeatedly read KGT until I don’t ask questions like
> that any more. Maybe I’ll sleep with it under my pillow tonight.
> For some reason, the examples with {ghaH} strike me as even weirder than
> the ones with {'oH}. But if we do use {'oH} for {ngop}, I can’t justify
> using {chaH} for {no'}.

I'm working with Dr. Okrand on a 2nd edition of the paq'batlh and can
confirm that the correct pronoun for {negh} is {ghaH}. (Incorrect uses of
{chaH} and verb prefixes which incorrectly treated {negh} as grammatically
plural will be corrected in the 2nd ed.)

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