[tlhIngan Hol] unable to use the upper case letter to specify by not specifying

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 07:59:24 PDT 2020

In greek/english we *can* say:

standing before His altar

In the sentence above, although we don't say who this "he" is, the
upper case "H" shows that the one in question isn't someone "regular".
He can be a god, kahless, molor, melkor, etc.

Now, perhaps someone thinks that "by definition the altar is something
of a god, or in honor of one". But there's also the case where saying
"standing before his altar" can actually mean "the practitioner stands
before the altar which he constructed in order to honor whoever he

So it falls upon the "h/H" to distinguish..

The fact that we can't do that simple thing in klingon irritates me.

~ Qa'yIn

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