[tlhIngan Hol] expressing more than x years ago

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 07:03:33 PDT 2020

Andre Muller:
> You could consider using {rav} ‘minimum’, as in {rav loS ben}
> ‘minimum four years ago’, although it might be interpreted as
> ‘from four years onwards’, i.e. ‘for the last four years’.

I had never thought of using {rav}/{'aqroS} in time stamp
constructions. I understand how with regards to the original question,
the {rav loS ben} could be interpreted as "from four years onwards’",
but that aside, I like the idea of using {rav}/{'aqroS} in time stamp

> qaSpa' loS ben before four years ago occurs

I'm slightly confused with this. Shouldn't the {loS ben} as a time
stamp be always the first element in a sentence (i.e. without being
preceded by a verb) ? Could I indeed say the following ?

qaSpa' loS ben, tlhIngan Hol vIghojmoHpu'
I started learning klingon more than four years ago

~ Qa'yIn

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